3 ways to register a Sole Proprietorship in India (with Infographics)


Sole Proprietorship concern is an element that can be begun by a person resident of India holding a substantial PAN. A business possession structure for people needs to work, make due, control, and direct the association freely. 

Sole Proprietorship enlistment requires no different customs and henceforth can be framed rapidly and without any problem. The ownership firm enrollment is overwhelmingly utilized by miniature and private companies working in disorderly areas.

This type of business element enlistment empowers speedy and simple business decision-making on the grounds that a solitary individual settles on every one of the choices. 

The Income charge charged on the benefit of the own firm is according to the Individual expense rate since the ownership concern and the individual are considered as one according to the Income charge.

 Quite, the owner is at risk for every one of the liabilities of the business. Enlistment of ownership firms is appropriate for disorderly and private ventures. Ownership is advantageous to a specific degree of benefits assuming you are expecting benefits or pay past that restrict you can choose LLP or Private Limited Company Registrations.


Light on compliances

The Government of India has not set down explicit regulations administering the arrangement of sole ownerships. Accordingly, with sole ownership enrollments, there are insignificant legitimate compliances that you should follow. The degree of consistency could be restricted to the recording of GST or Income Tax returns.

Simple development

The sole ownership enlistment can be finished effectively because of issue-free and lesser lawful compliances when contrasted with other corporate substance structures viz Company or an LLP. With a base report necessity, the enrollment can be finished when 15 days.

Speedy choice

Since a solitary individual maintains the business, choices can be taken rapidly without the inclusion of some other people. These simplicities of taking choices is liked by new organizations as it permits them to develop rapidly.

Charge Liability

Since the owner and the Sole Proprietorship firm are indeed the very same, the duties charged on the ownership firm are according to the Individual Tax rate section.


The element ought to have a legitimate PAN cardAn office spot to start the business



Determining Registration

To enlist sole ownership, enrollment should be discovered viz GST, MSME, and so forth


Filling of Documents

Appropriate records for the enlistment to be filled, actually look at explicit enrollment for subtleties.


Answering Queries

On the off chance that there are departmental inquiries on the filled enlistment, the equivalent is answered properly.


Declaration of Registration

When the enlistment is supported, the Certificate can then be downloaded from the site.

Sole Proprietorship Registration through GST Registration

GST enrollment is one more approach to getting your only ownership enlisted.

 You can apply for GST enlistment assuming you are managing in any sort of trade of labor and products. It has supplanted the old VAT and Service charge enlistment.

GST enlistment is an incredible strategy for getting a personality for your only ownership concern. Nonetheless, there are sure significant contemplations that should be assessed prior to picking this strategy.

Under GST enlistment, the main disadvantage is that after enrollment it is required to meet every one of the compliances. Each enrolled business needs to mandatorily gather the assessment from the clients and document the GST returns.

On the off chance that a sole owner has a turnover of not as much as Rs. 20 Lakhs, it isn’t required for him to get enlisted and gather GST. 

Yet, assuming that he actually decides to enroll to enlist his only ownership then he should go through superfluous added compliances which he might have stayed away from.

GST Registration Process for Sole Proprietorship Registration(Step-by-step guide)

To be aware of the enlistment cycle and different subtleties regarding GST enrollment, if it’s not too much trouble, allude here.

Which of the over 3 different ways of Sole Proprietorship Registration is awesome?

Subsequent to assessing every one of the three choices, as we would see it assuming you are a sole owner who has a business with a turnover of more than Rs. 20 Lakhs, then, at that point, you ought to go for the GST enrollment to get a business personality, as it is the most broadly acknowledged type of character for sole ownership concern.

Recommended read: section 8 company registration 

Nonetheless, on the off chance that your turnover is under 20 lakhs, GST enlistment may not be extremely advantageous for you as there are a ton of profits to be documented subsequent to getting a GST Number.