The Ellipsis Drive announces a 3D viewer for spatial data

Data Engineering

The Ellipsis Drive web viewer now supports 3D mode. With this addition, the Drive will be able to manage and share any type of spatial data plug-and-play. Users can now ingest, display, and interact in 3D

Like their 2D counterparts, 3D raster and vector data can be combined and shared. The result is an easy way for spatial data producers to deliver their 3D products while offering frictionless data management, inspection, and ingestion to their clients. Ellipsis Drive’s 3D capability gives its users’ central repository for spatial data that last bit of flexibility.

It is our belief that democratization will be the future of spatial data, and 3D data should not be an exception. It gives us great pride to be able to support the shift towards shareability and interoperability in today’s industry landscape,” said Ellipsis Drive’s CIO, Minghai Jiang.

The geospatial data industry is seeing an increase in user demand for interoperability. As this demand grows stronger every day, Ellipsis Drive continues to stand firm behind the vision of its product”, said CEO Rosalie van der Maas.

There are several benefits and features of 3D mode, including:

  • The ability to share any 3D data, regardless of size, through the browser.
  • The cloud allows for real-time collaboration.
  • All popular endpoints can be integrated plug-and-play.

Starting September 15th, the 3D mode will be available with a gigabyte-based payment plan. Please visit for more information about Ellipsis Drive or the new 3D features.

The Ellipsis Drive is the world’s first drive for managing and sharing spatial data. Online dynamic maps that are ready for collaboration can now be created using any 2D or 3D spatial data. By using a simple folder structure in a GoogleDrive-like browser environment, Ellipsis Drive makes it easy for spatial data producers and users to share their products.

With Ellipsis Drive, producers, users, and owners of spatial data can turn their files into a collaborative online project in less than ten minutes. Collaborators can share content and edit projects using industry-leading tools and any browser. Your content can be accessed quickly and easily by everyone from technical specialists to casual users.

Ellipsis is a great company, and we are excited to support them. As geospatial datasets become more prevalent we see the need for a solution that enables the geospatial community to store, share and collaborate around these complex datasets and were impressed with the team’s vision and execution to date. We firmly believe Ellipsis Drive has the opportunity to become a standard piece of software infrastructure in the growing geospatial sector,